Superheroes Premiere

We are opening the booking list for free tickets to the first shows of “Superheroes”
Write to us at:

13.09 hr. 19.00 PREMIERE - Solniki 44
14.09 hr. 19.00 - Solniki 44
15.09 hr. 19.00 - Solniki 44
21.09 hr. 19.00 - UCK Białystok
22.09 hr. 19.00 - UCK Białystok

Puppets, objects, materials, masks (as opposite to live actors) are equipped with all sorts of superpowers: they change shape, fly, breathe fire, hold their breath for hours, create the illusion of life in the observer. The means of expression of the contemporary puppetry dared us to confront the embedded perspectives of the perception of Superheroes in pop culture. Without shying away from archetypal, ancient roots (after all, there would be no Superman myth without the myth of Heracles) we aim to create a stage fantasy about Superhero of our time - the latest hero to confront all the evils of modern world. Here a number of questions arise about how to polarize all the shades of gray of the problems facing the world today. Will the established Superhero get involved in resolving military conflicts that spend the sleep of the more sensitive part of the globe? Or, following the example of Asterix and Obelix, will he decide to guard his patch of land, indulging himself until some anti-hero steps in with dirty boots on his territory? What will be the superpowers of the newest Superhero? Will he shield the globe with an anti-nuclear umbrella or merely hum a Stevie Wonder song to lonely women on the phone? Or, to paraphrase Andy Warhol's thought, will he equip for 10 minutes every inhabitant of the earth with the superpower of his dreams, thus offsetting (if only for a moment) all the complexes of this world? Undoubtedly, our Superhero will contribute to fulfilling the need for a modern theatrical fairy tale, in which (as in Greek myth) acts of hubris will meet with deserved punishment, attraction will chase attraction, and the viewer will experience the triumph of justice and the defeat of evil.

Grupa Coincidentia (PL) / Figurentheater Wilde&Vogel (D)

Direction, stage design, puppets: Michael Vogel
Music: Charlotte Wilde
Text development: Charlotte Wilde, Paweł Chomczyk
Live music, musical improvisations: Robert Jurčo
Performed by: Dagmara Sowa, Paweł Chomczyk

The performance was created as part of the OFF Poland program organized by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theater Institute. Subsidized by funds from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, City of Bialystok, Podlaskie Voivodeship, Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, Maßnahme mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des vom sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushalts.
Co-produced by Siedlisko Kultury Solniki 44 (PL) & Westflügel Leipzig (D).